I Never

I’ve never harmed a living creature. I’ve never tied thread to a butterfly’s wings or pulled a daddy longlegs’ center from his wriggling legs. Thirty years ago, Ma gave birth to me on a rotting cloth cot strung up in a leaking tar paper shack in the Tennessee hill country. They say a storm rains down babies. Two were born on our hill that night under a thunderstorm that bent trees to the ground as it rolled west from Mt.…

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Who Knew

When we set our clocks forward for daylight savings time this spring, who knew we’d instead enter the twilight zone? That shoppers would fight over toilet paper. That I’d have the time to clean the junk drawer but still wouldn’t. That I would view a repair man coming to fix the toilet as a dress-up experience or that dress up would mean yoga pants instead of pajamas. That I’d long to shop at Walmart. Who knew I’d flinch when a…

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